William George HuckleAge: 2 years1922–1924
- Name
- William George Huckle
- Surname
- Huckle
- Given names
- William George
Birth | January 1, 1922 |
Baptism | January 22, 1922 (Age 21 days) Address: 19 Knott st, Deptford London |
Baptism of a brother | Thomas Victor Huckle January 22, 1922 (Age 21 days) Address: 19 Knott st, Deptford London |
Birth of a brother | Richard Huckle July 3, 1923 (Age 18 months) |
Baptism of a brother | Richard Huckle August 19, 1923 (Age 19 months) Address: 19 Knott st, Deptford London |
Death | September 13, 1924 (Age 2 years) Cause of death: Acute Nephritis, Bronchitis |
Burial | September 22, 1924 (9 days after death) Address: Brockley Cemetery
Plot "Z/480"
(Deptford Section) |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: January 30, 1898 — London (Greenwich District) Death: December 4, 1981 — 23 Launcelot Rd, Downham, Kent |
mother |
elder brother |
Birth: November 19, 1918 — Bronze St, Deptford, London SE8 Military: Royal Navy JX167894 Death: April 23, 1983 |
16 months elder brother |
Thomas Victor Huckle Birth: March 26, 1920 — 19 Knott St Deptford, London, SE8 Death: April 24, 1994 |
21 months himself |
William George Huckle Birth: January 1, 1922 — 19 Knott St, Deptford SE8 Death: September 13, 1924 — 19 Bronze st Deptford |
18 months younger brother |
20 months younger brother |
14 months younger sister |
brother |
Private |
younger brother |
Ronald Huckle Birth: 1929 — Greenwich London Death: June 4, 1942 — Lewisham Hosp.Lewisham, London, SE13 |
2 years younger brother |
18 months younger sister |
Joan Huckle Birth: August 1932 — Greenwich London Death: October 3, 1932 — Millers Hospital Greenwich |
sister |
Private |
brother |
Private |
younger brother |
Leonard Huckle Birth: September 1, 1936 — Greenwich London Death: January 10, 1939 — St George in the East Hospital, Raine Street, Wapping, E1 |
Family with Private |
himself |
William George Huckle Birth: January 1, 1922 — 19 Knott St, Deptford SE8 Death: September 13, 1924 — 19 Bronze st Deptford |
wife |
Private |
Death | Name: William George Huckle
Register Type: Burial
Death Date: 13 Sept 1924
Burial or Cremation Date: 22 Sep 1924
Burial or Cremation Place: Lewisham, London, England |
- Generation 1
William George Huckle, son of Alfred Henry Huckle and Rose Moore, was born on January 1, 1922 in 19 Knott St, Deptford SE8 and died on September 13, 1924 in 19 Bronze st Deptford at the age of 2 years.