Amy Elizabeth MooreAge: 23 months1910–1911
- Name
- Amy Elizabeth Moore
- Type
- birth name
- Given names
- Amy Elizabeth
- Surname
- Moore
Birth | 1910 |
Death of a father | James William Moore September 26, 1910 Age: 35 Address: 109 Stowage
St Nicholas
London SE8 Cause: Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema |
Census | April 2, 1911 (Age 15 months) Address: 141 Church St Deptford |
Death | December 4, 1911 (Age 23 months) |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: April 22, 1875 — Lewisham Union (Lewisham Hospital) Death: September 26, 1910 — Greenwich Union Imfirmary, Greenwich London |
mother |
Marriage: February 1, 1896 — Southwark |
-4 months elder sister |
Jane Elizabeth Moore Birth: October 11, 1895 — Deptford London Death: July 23, 1989 — Margate, Kent |
21 months elder sister |
2 years elder brother |
James Frederick Moore Birth: August 15, 1899 — 33 Bronze st Deptford Death: 1901 |
23 months elder sister |
Elizabeth Moore Birth: July 19, 1901 — 19 Bronze St Deptford Death: 1903 |
14 months elder brother |
2 years elder brother |
William George Moore Birth: November 2, 1904 — Deptford London Death: September 13, 1979 — downham |
2 years elder brother |
James Alfred Moore Birth: March 17, 1907 — Deptford London Death: June 1973 — Chatham, Kent, England, United Kingdom |
4 years herself |
Amy Elizabeth Moore Birth: 1910 — Deptford London Death: December 4, 1911 |
Mother’s family with James Hart |
step-father |
James Hart Birth: 1880 Military: Army — August 15, 1914 — West Kent Regiment Death: August 11, 1920 |
mother |
Marriage: March 1919 — Greenwich London |
-6 years half-brother |
John Evelyn Hart Birth: May 13, 1913 Death: 1976 |
- Generation 1
Amy Elizabeth Moore, daughter of James William Moore and Patience Stonebridge, was born in 1910 in Deptford London and died on December 4, 1911 at the age of 23 months.